Mission Honduras


Due to social and political unrest in Honduras, our annual mission trip has been on hold. We do, however, provide financial assistance to the Olancho Aid Foundation in Jutacalpa, Honduras, our ministry partner, so they can continue their good work.

Mission Honduras is a work project mission trip that lends a hand to our brothers and sisters in Juticalpa, Honduras. The Mission Team works directly with the Olancho Aid Foundation. Join the mission team for a memorable and meaningful mission trip.

The Olancho Aid Foundation‘s mission is to plant and nurture the seeds of FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE by delivering Catholic-based education and purified water solutions to God’s beloved people in Olancho, Honduras.

The Olancho Aid Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization creating a sustainable future for Honduran families through faith-based education and service. From clean water projects that improve community health to schools that serve children including those with special needs, our team of international volunteers and Hondurans are dedicated to providing hope as we work to transform the future and life of the Olancho community.

Ray Gedert, Ministry Lead
