Test, Testing, 1, 2, 3…

This is the page where we troubleshoot current features and test out new ones on StPhilipFranklin.com. You can’t get to it from the menu, so if you found it, “Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!”

Contact Form Troubles

We’re having an issue where Avada Forms, the form building feature with our theme, Avada (ThemeFusion) is not sending a confirmation email to the form user or the form info to the designated staff email addresses [users]@stphilipfranklin.com. I installed Ninja Forms, recommended by a web developer friend, to see if it was a solution. Ninja Forms will send a confirmation email to the form User, but staff notification emails sent to [user]@stphilipfranklin.com addresses are not working.

Avada Form

* Denotes a required field.

Ninja Form

[ninja_form id=2]